We have a team of hard-working professionals, dedicated to helping every child – and their family – achieve their best.
Children are grouped by age into twelve classes, together with a Nursery. There are usually four classes in each year group.
Year Group: |
Age of Children:
Key Stage:
Nursery (F1) |
Early Years Foundation Stage |
Reception (F2) |
Year One (Y1) |
Key Stage One
Year Two (Y2) |
It is intended that each class has 30 children.
All classes have a different name: Squirrels, Owls, Foxes, Snakes, Lions, Koalas, Pandas, Hippos, Zebras, Tigers, Gorillas and Giraffes. The given name usually stays with the class as they move up throughout the School, although the actual class room and teacher will usually change each year. BumbleBees is our In-School Specialist Provision (ISP), which offers two classes: Daiseys and Poppies. BumbleBees has its own dedicated specialist SEND teacher and staff.
Each corridor contains a different year group. Our Nursery (Parrots and Penguins) is situated next to the Chestnut Nursery, which is a private day-care provider, over-seen by the Local Authority.
Paul Jordan | Headteacher, CEO of TVI Learning, National Leader of Education |
Rosa Corcoran-Jones | Deputy Headteacher (Head of KS1) |
Adam Dobson | Assistant Headteacher (Head of EYFS), Inclusion Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead** |
Kelly Ager | School Business Manager & PA to Headteacher |
Suzy Waters | SEND-Co & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead** |
Rofiya Begum | Class Teacher, Head of Year |
Rebecca Olley | Class Teacher |
Aziza Farih | Class Teacher |
Demi Coates | Class Teacher |
Elizabeth Isaiah | Class Teacher |
Lakshmi Harikrishnan | Class Teacher, Head of Year |
James Mcavoy | Class Teacher, Head of Year |
Fiona Thomas-Yusuf | Class Teacher |
Farha Jahan | Class Teacher |
Fiza Amin | Class Teacher |
Chloe Yarwood | Class Teacher |
Sheila Raja | Class Teacher |
Titi Aderoba | Class Teacher |
Amy Windsor | Class Teacher, Head of Year |
Emma Murphy | Inclusion Officer & Designated Safeguarding Lead* |
Donna Bonifacio | Office Lead, Finance Manager & SEND Secretary |
Serena Lee | Attendance Lead & Data Assistant, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead** |
Jodie Yellop | Administrative Officer (Acting) |
Billy Haynes | Site Manager |
Ange Moir, Linda Ward, Ivanete Gana, Armajit Kaur, Ardita Nuhiallari, Kerry Trowbridge | Our Cleaners |
Sam Radder | EYFS Practitioner |
Lauren Skeels | Specialist Provision Lead Practitioner |
Jodie Yellop | Speech, Language & Communication Practitioner |
Debbie Spurr | Teaching Assistant |
Michelle Morton | Teaching Assistant |
Sanije Rama | Teaching Assistant |
Rekha Ahtty | Teaching Assistant |
Isiah Green | Teaching Assistant |
Christine Hynds | Teaching Assistant |
Goolshan Ara Meetho | Teaching Assistant |
Ardita Nuhiallari | Teaching Assistant |
Jyatsna Begum | Teaching Assistant |
Lauren Skinner | Teaching Assistant |
Tammy Robinson | Teaching Assistant |
Fatima Cobblah | Teaching Assistant |
Beata Galuszewska | Teaching Assistant |
Stacey Humphreys | Teaching Assistant |
Chantelle Cremins | Teaching Assistant |
Sayada Ahmed | Teaching Assistant |
Ola Gmitruk | Teaching Assistant |
Rachelle Carmona | Teaching Assistant |
Sylvia Manuel | Teaching Assistant |
Rosie Choudhury | Teaching Assistant |
Susan Liley | Teaching Assistant |
Xhonna Cupi | Teaching Assistant |
Patience Ilongo | Teaching Assistant |
Oliver Wootton | Teaching Assistant |
Fouzia Mahmood | Teaching Assistant |
* Emma Murphy is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and CP Officer
**Suzy Waters, Adam Dobson and Serena Lee are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputy CP Officers
Midday Assistants look after your children at lunchtime and are valued members of staff. At times, they may also help support in class too.
Lois Adams (Lunchtime Leader) |
Sharon Pohl | Saloua Saghir | Pushpakala Raveerathan |
Shejmin Begum | Qandeel Naeem | Fayzunnesa Islam |
Vanya Todorova | Vanessa Elhlange | Rubia Begum |
Kiran Kashif | Kully Rehman | Kerry Trowbridge |
Clarissa Hargest-Kemp | Hibba Naim | Romaisa Akhtar |
Rena Chad | Nikki Malcolm | Furhana Khanom |
Toni Nicholson | Ayesha Shaukat | Rajna Begum |
Anabela De Matos | Mieralle Hagland | Helena Islam |
School staff may also provide midday supervision.