You’ll find this page useful if you are considering enrolling your child at our Academy.
We know that Thames View Infants is one of the best Schools in the Country. However, we understand how daunting being a new Parent can be, especially when charged with the task of finding the right School for your child. We are here to help you with that journey and our Family Support Team can offer the guidance and care you need to help you make the right decision. We offer prospective parents the option of a tour of the school and the choice of a professional to answer any questions you might have. To arrange such a visit, please contact our School Office.
Within our Nursery, we currently offer a 15 hours provision OR a 30 hours provision (for eligible parents). You can check your eligibility and get the required code here. Our “30 hours” provision runs from 8:45am-3:15pm, and children will receive a 32.5 hours offer across the week. Please note that all children attending our “30 hours” provision will receive a hot lunchtime meal and snacks throughout the day. Parents are required to pay a £5 per day supplementary charge, payable a term in advance, to cover these additional costs. To apply for a Nursery place, please complete our online application form.
You may apply at any time: whether you want your child to start at our Nursery now or next Academic Year. In the case of the former, the Office Team will be in contact as soon as a place is available. In the case of the latter, the Office Team will be in contact usually in the April prior to the September that your child is due to start Nursery. In both instances, the Office Team will then tell you what to do in order to confirm and secure your child’s place. We must emphasise that securing a place in the Nursery does not necessarily guarantee a place in Reception in the following year.
Chestnut Nurseries run a separate Day-Care Nursery on our site. It is run and inspected by Ofsted independently of our own Nursery. Parents wishing to access this provision should contact the Chestnut Team via their website or in person.
Children are admitted to the Infant School in the September after their 4th birthday. The admission process for securing a Reception place usually starts as early as the December in the year before the child starts school.
All admissions to and between schools within the Local Authority, including starting Reception, is administered “centrally” by the Local Authority’s Admissions Team. Parents wanting a place in the school, including joining our school mid-year, should apply on-line.
Further details are given within the “Admission Arrangements” document at the bottom of this page.
The Local Authority will notify you by May if we can offer you a place. If your child did not attend our Nursery, you and your child will be asked to attend our “getting ready for Reception” drop-ins in June. All new Receptions Parents will be required to attend an important meeting in July, usually on the last day of the Summer Term.
When Reception children begin school in September, they come for half a day for the first week. This gives them a chance to learn new routines and gives their teacher a chance to give them the attention they require at this early stage. All new children receive a home visit prior to admission.
Children that join our school mid-way through the year, are introduced to a nominated class buddy who will help look after them over the first few weeks. The School Council will also meet the child and will help to ensure that they feel welcomed and are not alone at playtimes and lunchtimes. We recommend that you talk to your child’s teacher as often as possible throughout the initial settling-in period. If you find that, suddenly, your child appears overly unsettled then please talk to us – there might be a reason for this and we’ll work together to help overcome it.
At the end of Year 2, all children will automatically transfer to Year 3 in Thames View Juniors. If you wish for your child to attend an alternative Junior School/KS2 setting to TVJ, Parents should apply via the LA’s on-line form. As Year 2 children sit their National Tests and Tasks (SATs) in May, we’d recommend that such applications are made from mid-June onwards to avoid disruption to children’s study.
If you are unsuccessful in your application, the LA will place you on a waiting list. It’s important to renew your interest in our school each term or the LA may remove your name from our waiting list.
Parents will use the LA’s on-line form to change Schools mid-way through the Academic Year. Moving School mid-year can be particularly disruptive for some children and so if you are currently attending our School and are thinking of leaving, please – wherever possible – talk to us first or make an appointment to see the Headteacher. Together we’ll see how we can help to minimise disruption for your child and prepare them for this transition.
All schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how school applications are processed, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at a school. Admission arrangements are set by admission authorities.
As an academy, we set our own admissions arrangements and we are known as an ‘own admission authority school’. We set (determine) our admission arrangements each year and publish them here by 28th February. In line with most schools, we ask the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham to administer our admissions on our behalf. We administer our own Nursery admissions.
Please click the below link in order to view full details of our Admissions Arrangements.