Thames View Infants is a thriving, award-winning, four-form multi-cultural Academy, situated within the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.
Welcome from all the Staff and Governors to our award-winning, multicultural Academy.
TVI was judged as ‘outstanding‘ by Ofsted in March 2009 and again in April 2014. We work hard to provide a caring, fun, vibrant and supportive learning community where every child and their family really do matter. We value ‘Parents as Partners’ and aim to help everyone, young or old, achieve their best!
I believe that children have only one chance to succeed at School and all my energy since 2007 as Headteacher at TVI has been dedicated to getting this right: giving our children – and their families – the best start in life and the best Infant education possible.
We have been incredibly successful at this: Attainment at Thames View Infants is within the top 1% (at GD, top 3% at EXP+) of all schools nationally and for some years now, we have been ranked as the highest achieving Infant School within Barking and Dagenham, also out-performing the majority of Schools across London.
The DfE have formally designated us as a National Leader in Education and Specialist Support School. As a Multi Academy Trust, TVI Learning – our parent company – is now in a position to grow as we build Fords View Primary: a 3 form-entry Primary School, located on the Beam Park Development, due to open in 2023.
My staff and I are dedicated to getting it right for you and your family. Please be reassured that we will try our very hardest to give your child the best learning experience possible and offer you exemplary customer service and family support.
Over the years other professionals have written about the ground-breaking work that we do and we’ve also been cited in Governmental White Papers and in research studies too. For example, this article, featured in Teach Early Years 3-7 magazine, sums us up quite nicely. Another, about the work we do around Inclusion & Family Support can be found here.
We coined the phrase “Parents as Partners”. Together with your valued support and careful parenting, your child will leave our School exceptionally well prepared for the next Stage in their Education: great British Citizens – empowered, confident, leaders of the future, compassionate, articulate & reasoned, tolerant and masters in Literacy and Numeracy – taught by reflective practitioners through an engaging and enriching curriculum.
Paul Jordan,
Headteacher, Thames View Infants;
CEO, TVI Learning.