All pupils at TVI wear the School Uniform. Wearing school uniform helps to create a feeling of belonging and sets the tone for a good work-place atmosphere.
The School Uniform at Thames View Infants is smart, yet simple, flexible and reasonably priced.
All children are required to wear a School polo shirt, available in one of 6 vibrant colours – lime green, sunshine yellow, royal purple, very raspberry, tangy orange and happy turquoise. Children may wear any colour on any day, but they must wear a School-branded polo shirt. On colder days, children can wear a School-branded jumper or cardigan. Trousers, skirts and pinafores should all be grey, which you can purchase from Asda or other clothing outlets. Children may also wear non-branded grey jogging bottoms. (Gingham summer dresses are not part of the School Uniform).
Children should wear sensible shoes or trainers. Fashion shoes cause danger and are not suitable for school. We ask for children to wear slippers for classrooms; and those within the EYFS require a pair of wellington boots too.
All children are required within Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to have a “book bag”, in which children take their daily reading book, reading diary, homework and “words/sounds to learn” home each day in. We sell smart School-branded book bags, which are brightly coloured (for dark mornings and nights), but you are welcome to purchase alternatives (providing books fit in them without getting scrunched up).
Dressing appropriately for hot and cold weather
It is really unhealthy for children to come to school overly dressed in warmer weather. Children are very active in school throughout the day and wearing unnecessary layers (vests, leggings, shirts and jumpers) will cause children to over-heat. It also increases the chances of items getting lost as they remove extra layers to cool down. Please dress you child appropriately for the weather. In turn, we’ll help them to stay healthy (including empowering them to take clothes off and put them back on again when either too hot or too cold).
PE Uniform
For safety and hygienic reasons children are expected to change for PE. We sell PE kits, including a “PE-bag”.
Children will need:
- A white t-shirt and navy shorts.
- An optional tracksuit (joggers/hoody) for outdoor PE on chilly days.
- Children do not wear footwear for indoor PE – it is safer to work in bare feet. Children will, however, need plimsolls or trainers for out-door activities.
- A PE bag.
- For health and safety reasons, children may not wear joggers when undertaking PE in the hall.
You can purchase a school branded white t-shirt for PE, blue shorts and a PE bag from School, although you are also welcome to purchase alternatives from Asda or other clothing outlets. We have a limited supply of clean “spare” t-shirts and shorts for children who don’t have a PE kit.
PE is part of the school curriculum and is important for your child’s healthy development; he/she will be expected to participate in all lessons and wear the correct PE uniform. Please inform school if your child has a verruca. (He/she will need to wear plimsolls for all PE lessons, until the verruca has healed).
During Year 2 swimming lessons, boys should wear trunks or shorts (which don’t go below the knee) and girls should wear one-piece swim suits (not bikinis).
It is very difficult to identify lost items of uniform, so please mark clothing with your child’s name using a permanent marker pen. We help children to look after their uniform but this is a learning process. Despite all this care and good-intention, uniform on occasion does still get lost. If this is the case, please try not to worry: it usually turns up in the end. Our lost property is in the hall. If you perceive that your child seems to be losing a lot of uniform, please come and speak to us.
Buying Uniform
Parents and Carers can purchase School Uniform via the ‘payments’/’shop’ facility on the ParentMail app. We also offer a pre-loved uniform service, which parents can pick up from our regular “swap-shops” or other School events – please see our Office Team for more information.
Wearing jewellery in PE lessons is hazardous; accordingly, children should not attend school wearing jewellery. If a bangle is worn for religious reasons it should be covered with a sweatband for PE. It is best for children not to wear any earrings. Children with pierced ears may only wear plain studs, which must be removed for PE. Your child’s teacher will let you know when his/her class will be having PE, as it is not safe for children to wear jewellery during PE lessons.