Within Key Stage One (Years 1 & 2), children follow the National Curriculum. The following gives a detailed description of the learning covered during and across lessons.
Follow the below links to explore the learning covered in each half-term within Years 1 & 2, mapped out according to subjects. (The tables on these pages are best viewed from a desktop machine):
Literacy is taught for approximately 2 hours each day. “Writing” is taught during the literacy hour. Within ‘Blocked Units’, texts are explored in depth and literacy skills are enhanced. Reading and Spelling Workshops develop word, sentence and text-level skills. Synthetic phonics are taught, following the DfE’s “Letters and Sounds” scheme of work. Handwriting is taught within whole class lessons.
Speaking and Listening
Children will speak clearly and audibly in full sentences. They will retell a story in a logical sequence and express opinions about a story, using appropriate vocabulary. They will be able to compare similarities and differences, participate in class discussion. They are encouraged to listen with interest to other children and teachers. There is a high emphasis on “Talk4Learning”.
They will read aloud confidently and with expression and be able to discuss the text, answering oral and written questions. Children read at various times throughout the day, starting with a partnered “reading buddy” session during registration time. Guided Reading sessions take place during Reading and Spelling Workshop lessons.
Children will write descriptive stories with a clear structure, write instructions, notes, and record experiences. Literacy lessons within Year One will focus on Short Texts, Rhyme and Rhythm, Stories About Bears, Information Texts, Fairy Tales and Stories & Poetry. Within Year Two, literacy lessons will focus on the work of Author Martin Waddell, Information Texts, Traditional Tales, Short Stories & Poetry and Tales from Different Cultures. Children will correctly spell a wide range of commonly used words and use punctuation. Their writing will be legible and even in size. They will be systematically taught a range of spelling patterns. Most children are taught to join their handwriting within Year One. Pens are provided for children who are able to join their work consistently correctly.
Mathematics is taught for an hour each day. Children will be able to recall addition and subtraction facts to 20. They will tackle independently addition and subtraction to 100 and be able to tackle simple multiplication and division. They will be able to solve simple problems and justify answers. They will be able to perform simple calculations mentally. Children will sort and describe common 3D and 2D shapes and understand and know the language for standard units of length, weight, and capacity. They will make calculations using money to £5 and be able to use, interpret and devise appropriate data collection methods.
Children will be able to experiment and investigate and have knowledge of animals, humans, plants, variation, habitats, materials, sound, light and seasonal changes. Science is taught for 2 hours per week.
Each classroom is equipped with at least four computers and a large interactive screen for whole class teaching (Whole Class Interactive Technologies). There are also various other items of equipment including laptops and iPads. Other technologies are situated around the school to provide the children with opportunities for individual work and collaborative work. At Thames View Infants, we believe that ICT should be used creatively to enhance learning in all lessons – helping to raise participation and increase understanding. Furthermore, ICT should also be used selectively during the consolidation elements of lessons thus providing children with opportunities to develop communication, collaboration skills, subject-based knowledge and increased ICT skills.
Religious Education
Children will learn stories from different religions and their relevance to our lives. They begin to talk about important issues in life, develop a greater awareness of right and wrong, play an active role in the school community and show an awareness of how others feel. We follow the Barking and Dagenham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The basis of our teaching is Christian, however we also teach about other faiths and celebrations.
Children discuss their environment and recognise and describe features of particular areas. They use simple geographical vocabulary and read simple maps. Within Year One, children explore the topics of Shops & Food, Making the Streets Safer and The Seaside. The topics of Around our School, An Island Home and North, South, East, West are followed in Year 2.
Children are aware that the past is represented in different ways and learn to answer questions about the past from different information sources and from observations. Within Year One, children explore the topics of Homes, Toys and Holidays. The topics of Schools, The Great Fire of London and Florence Nightingale are followed in Year 2.
Design and Technology
Children will skillfully use a range of materials to design and make simple products. They will explain the use and purpose of their choice of materials, tools and techniques. Within Year One, children work on the topics of Fruit & Vegetables, Moving Pictures and Playgrounds. Within Year Two, children examine Puppets, Buildings and Vehicles.
Children will produce drawings, prints and clay models. They are familiar with work of various artists and use well-known works of art as a starting point for work.
Children will know a wide variety of songs from different cultures and recognise different types of music and respond using simple musical expressions.
Physical Development
Children will have developed a wide range of simple and complex skills in dance, gymnastics and games. They will be taught control and the effective use of equipment. They will have opportunity to gain confidence in the water and learn to swim. Children typically access 3 hours of high quality Sport and PE during a week.