TVI runs an extensive After School Provision
Families at both Infant and Junior Schools can book an extended after-School Care Provision until 6pm each term-time evening, run by Premier Education. The offer includes a cooked meal and a range of activities. (Junior School families should select “Years 3-6” from the booking page. A member of Premier Education’s team will escort children safely to the Infant School until the end of your session).
The Government’s Tax-Free Child Care Scheme offers eligible working families up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) for each child attending this or other approved childcare schemes. This rises up to £1,000 every 3 months if a child is disabled (up to £4,000 a year).
There are a number of regulated child-minders local to our School who offer alternative wrap-around care services. If these suit you more, please contact the School Office for details.
School Staff run Enrichment Learning Sessions until 4pm. These sessions cover a range of curricular subjects and run usually across a term. Families apply from a list of subjects available on the ParentMail App. We try our best to match children with their first or second preferences, but due to the high demand, this is not always possible.
We also run Additional After School Lessons until 4pm, for specific children who we feel would benefit from this additional provision. We normally contact individual Parents/Carers directly about this offer, as places are limited and we find it does not always suit all children. If you feel that your child needs extra help with their learning, please contact your child’s Class Teacher in the first instance.