We strive to provide an Outstanding education for all our children. The Headteacher and staff work very hard to build positive relationships with all parents and stakeholders and to offer exemplary customer service. Thames View Infants, as an Academy, is required by law to have and to publish to parents their Concerns and Complaints Policy.
We welcome the opportunity to receive positive comments from parents/carers and others when services are appreciated, but we are also keen to know when and where there are concerns and we are always happy to receive feedback in this spirit.
From time to time parents and carers will have normal and legitimate concerns about their child’s progress, achievement, behaviour or welfare, or about other matters connected with school. In most cases it is always better to raise any issue or worry straight away with the child’s teacher to begin with; however, depending on the nature of the complaint, it may be necessary for you to directly raise the matter with the Headteacher.
Our Complaints Procedure details how to raise a concern or how to make a complaint with us and outlines the process in full, including timeframes and your route to recourse should you still remain unsatisfied with the outcome of a complaint addressed through this policy.
When making a complaint, it is most helpful to provide us with your name and other contact details. This allows us to be able to contact you in order to seek more information (if required) and also, at the end of the process, to give you feedback and to advise you of next steps (if you remain unsatisfied).
We are committed to dealing with complaints fairly, professionally and robustly and the above policy outlines the agreed routes through which concerns can be raised, recognised and resolved.
The vast majority of complaints and concerns are managed very successfully and the process is productive for both the School and complainant.
However, a very small minority of parents/carers make complaints that are vexatious or unreasonably persistent or conduct themselves in such a way that it is extremely difficult for the School to operate effectively and to maintain a safe and secure environment for staff, learners, visitors and parents/carers alike. Responding to frequent chaser emails and interim updates, whilst understandable, does place additional demands on our resources. By allowing us to focus our efforts on progressing matters in a timely manner, you are helping us to function more effectively.
People may act out of character in times of trouble or distress. There may have been upsetting or distressing circumstances leading up to a complaint coming to the School. The School does not view behaviour as unacceptable just because a complainant is forceful or determined. However, the actions of complainants who are angry, demanding or unreasonably persistent may result in unacceptable demands or behaviour towards School employees and resources. It is these actions that the School considers unacceptable and manages under the Persistent or Vexatious Complaints & Harassment Policy.